Scholes Junior and Infant School is a successful, vibrant school where children come first. We have a highly motivated, resourceful and committed team of staff, governors and trustees who care about and nurture the needs of every child.
We want our children to be happy at school and for learning to be fun and challenging. We set high expectations and want to give our children every opportunity to become confident and independent learners. We work closely with parents to ensure this happens and recognise the importance of good communication between home and school.
Our aim is to help the children to reach their full potential, to develop their social awareness and to be prepared for the next phase of their education.
We actively welcome new parents, parent helpers and all visitors to the school. We have lots of plans for the year ahead and will keep you up to date with events and news as they happen.
I hope you find the information on our website useful, and that it will help us to form the beginning of a successful partnership in your child's education.
We are extremely proud of our school and would be delighted to welcome you as part of our school community.
Mrs Lisa Pugh
Interim Headteacher